May 16, 2012

Nothing to Report

It's been raining a lot lately (thank goodness), and it's been too soggy to be doing much.  The plants seem to be enjoying it.  Tomatoes are getting bigger.  The coleus is exploding.  Hopefully the recent rain will heal a lot of the destruction from last year's summer, and hopefully this isn't the last of the rain till September.

Here's a portion of my potted succulent collection showing some of the recent purchases and some old favorites:


  1. it's great that it's been raining, Red. But exploding coleus sounds a bit alarming (lol). cheers, cm

  2. I think if we were having rain I would love to report it. No rain and high heat made many plants whither and brown while I was away. I need to do the happy rain dance and get my plants happy again.

  3. If we had rain I would be inclined to post about it. We have had no rain and high heat and many plants withered and browned. I need to do the happy rain dance to get the plants happy again.

  4. I have a darling grandboy with orange hair and he is the most mellow fella ever. Actually I only know one hot headed red head, and I stay out of her path:). Your plants look happy, I too, have my fingers crossed for the rain we need.

  5. I miss your amusing posts and the informative ones too.

  6. We haven't had rain for a while, but thankfully, we have our own well, so watering the garden has not been a problem.

  7. Those succulents look adorable! Its all about the pots they're in.

    We just had a solid rain a few days ago...


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